Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Mock Juror?
A Mock Juror is the most important person in a Mock Trial. Attorneys need the opinions of Mock Jury's to help them as they test their ideas for case profiles. Mock Jurors hear a case and share their opinions.

Do I have to travel to participate?
No traveling is needed. Your participation will be via a Zoom meeting from the comfort of your home.

What device can I use to participate in the Mock Trial?
You may use any Computer, Android or Apple mobile device which has the Zoom App installed. Note: your device must also have functioning speakers, microphone, and webcam.

Is internet needed?
Yes, a reliable internet connection is necessary.

Why do you need me to complete a demographic questionnaire?
Most of our clients are trial lawyers seeking juror reactions on specific issues related to case profiles. Demographics are needed to organize and match mock-jurors to relevant case profiles, and maintain jury-diversity.

What happens if I decide not to complete the questionnaire?
Simply don’t submit it if you change your mind. A completed questionnaire is required to participate as a Mock Juror.

How long will the Mock Trial be?
Mock Jurors can generally expect 2-4 hours of participation, although some may not need to stay for the entire duration.

How will I get paid and when?
A link to your Amazon Gift Card will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours following the completion of the scheduled Mock Trial.

How much will I be paid?
Depending on the length of your participation, an Amazon gift card of $50-$100 will be sent to you as payment.

When will I be selected for a Mock Trial?
Your contact information and demographics will be used for matching to our client’s case profiles. As Mock Trials are scheduled, Jurors are selected, then contacted to discuss their availability.